Thursday, December 11, 2014

Finish the year strong!

I’m not perfect, and I’m never going to be perfect. But, I’m okay with that. Instead I continually strive to at least be better than I currently am. This year has been a struggle.  In April I had to take a break from running due to what I believe was shin splints in my right leg.  Getting back into running has been a struggle I have been working through ever since.  I have also let my strength training fall off, which has added to my running struggles.  Over the last few months I have tried to get back into my healthy habits over and over again, but I have repeatedly sabotaged my efforts by doing things like telling myself, “Oh, just one beer on a weeknight will be okay.” Next thing I know I've had multiple beers, ordered a pizza and over slept the next morning! Then one day ends up ruining an entire week! I would have a few good days or even one good week, and then lose an entire week and have to start all over again.  So, instead of losing weight and getting healthy, I was gaining weight and sliding further behind. Always being strong isn't easy.  It is a constant challenge, but not giving up and staying determined to continue that fight is the key. 

  So, as of Thanksgiving weekend, I have set a new goal for myself.  Goals are very useful!  I love having a goal to work towards.  I decided to try to finish the year strong.  I know the holiday season is not the best time to start a “diet”, but this is a “getting back to my old self” and not a “crash diet.”  So far things have been going well, and I have been feeling great!  The first week went well for the most part, but sadly, I got a migraine on Thursday, and I let the recovery prevent me from getting up to work out Friday morning.   But that was only a minor setback, and I've managed to work past it and keep going.   As part of this goal I have decided to not drink any alcohol until Christmas day.  So far so good! 

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